Acambaro findings / Reptiles / Reptiloides / Facts
In 1944 Waldemar Julsrud accidentally discovered a strange archaeological site in Acambaro, Guanajuato, Mexico. An excavation of the site at the foot of El Toro Mountain on the outskirts of Acambaro yielded over 33,500 ceramic, stone, and jade artifacts. Julsrud, a prominent local German merchant and knowledgeable archeologist, also found statues ranging from less than an inch to six feet in length depicting great reptiles, some of them in active association with humans generally eating them, but in some bizarre statuettes an erotic association was indicated. To observers many of these creatures resembled dinosaurs. Julsrud crammed this collection into twelve rooms of his expanded house. Amongst the collection were startling representations of Africans, Orientals, and bearded Caucasians. There were also motifs of Egyptian, Sumerian and other ancient non-hemispheric civilizations. The collection even included portrayals of Bigfoot and aquatic monster-like creatures, weird human-animal mixtures, and a host of other inexplicable creations. Teeth from an extinct Ice Age horse, the skeleton of a mammoth, and a number of human skulls were found at the same site as the ceramic artifacts. Controversy erupted over the Acambaro find. The Smithsonian dismissed the entire collection as an elaborate hoax. Other scientists charged that the Smithsonian Institute and other archaeological authorities conducted a campaign of disinformation against the discoveries. It was discovered that the Smithsonian’s case files for Julsrud and the Acambaro artifacts were missing. Professor Charles Hapgood, a professor of history and anthropology at the University of New Hampshire, made two expeditions to the site and became convinced the site was authentic. He witnessed some of the figures being excavated. The authenticity of Julsrud find was challenged because the huge collection included dinosaurs. Many archeologists believe dinosaurs have been extinct for the past 65 million years and man knowledge of them has been limited to the past 200 years. If this is true, man could not possibly have seen and modeled them 2,500 years ago. The finds in this small Mexican town are among the most astounding ever. Although the first figurines were found in 1945, many of the figurines were prophetic in nature in that: 1) they displayed dinosaurs not yet found and identified by paleontologists but now known to have existed. 2) They displayed features such as dermal spines, not known to be found on such dinosaurs at that time, but now (as of 1992) understood to be a feature of many dinosaurs once pictured as smooth-backed. Dating methods within 4,000 years or so have been proven to be worthwhile for demonstrating an age range for an object. The Acambaro figurines consistently test out as 1,500-4,500 years old when tested by impartial testing agents, although they often withdraw their findings when they realize the implications of the results. The radiocarbon 14 method of dating was still in its infancy, but Hapgood acquired specimens for C14 testing. 6 Gardner and Andrew Young (inventor of the Bell Helicopter) financed the testing. Samples were submitted to the Laboratory of Isotopes Inc. in New Jersey. The results were as follows: Sample No. 1 (I-3842) 3590 + – 100 (C.1640 BC) Sample No. 2 (I-4015) 6480 + – 170 (C. 4530 BC) Sample No. 3 (I-4031)3060 + – 120 (C. 1110 BC). The radiocarbon dates of up to 4,500 B.C for Carbon on the ceramics would make the collection the oldest in the Western Hemisphere. Even skeptics admit that the Acambaro collection is a powerful case for coexistence of dinosaur and man. But part of the story of Acambaro is the laboratory results that consistently reveal ages of more than 2,000 years for these figurines…until the technicians realize the implications of the findings and then fall over themselves trying to reverse their fields. In the case of Acambaro, however, no reasonable macroevolutionist has come up with an honest rebuttal or explanation as to how ancient peoples could have molded dinosaur statues with more accuracy than the scientists of the time they were discovered. No reasonable explanation has been given by macroevolutionists for the hundreds of drawings, carvings and figurines of dinosaurs done by people long before paleontologists began finding dinosaur fossils and providing representations of what their appearance might have been. No good explanation has been given for the multitudes of stories about dinosaurs, not just as stories but as historical narratives in records kept by government and other officials. The record of human history, both written and described graphically as paintings, drawings, carvings and figurines, is that of co-existence with dinosaurs for many hundreds of years.