Barack Obama

A Fairy Story by David Icke

Barack Obama

Now children, are you sitting comfortably? Then your government will begin. Once upon a time there were three little pigs and they all sprouted wings. One little pig did not have a birth certificate so they faked one very badly so he could say he was the Big Pig and live with his snout in a trough in his little, well, not so little, white house.

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Webster G. Tarpley
January 22, 2011

Awareness is growing around the world that the Wikileaks-Julian Assange theater of the absurd is radically inauthentic – a psyop. Wikileaks and its impaired boss represent a classic form of limited hangout or self-exposure, a kind of lurid striptease in which the front organization releases doctored and pre-selected materials provided by the intelligence agency with the intent of harming, not the…

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    ‘In 1967, Monsanto (see truth about Monsanto food)entered into a joint venture with I.G. Farbenfabriken, the aforementioned financial core of the Hitler regime and the key supplier of poison gas to the Nazi racial extermination program.

    After the Holocaust, the German chemical firm joined with American counterparts in the development of chemical warfare agents and founded the ‘Chemagrow Corporation’ in Kansas

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