Пише: Николај ИВАНОВ, новинар, историчар политиколог ЗАШТО су САД увек подржавале фашистичке и полуфашистичке режиме и све крваве диктатуре ХХ
Tag: usa
Стратези САД и NATO оцењују да је било далеко боље да је Ајзенхауер искрцао савезнике на Балкану уместо у Нормандији
На Волстриту влада велика забринутост, а већина се слаже да ствари стоје много горе него што се приказују јавности. После
Against all odds, Al Fateh resists white and Arab supremacists ← The “rebels” attack Sirte on Sept. 19. The North
Moreover, in contrast to Egypt and Tunisia, in Syria there is considerable popular support for President Bashar Al Assad. The large rally in Damascus on March 29, “with tens of thousands of supporters” (Reuters) of President Al Assad is barely mentioned. Yet in an unusual twist, the images and video footage of several pro-government events were used in an utterly twisted fashion by the Western media to convince international public opinion that the President was being confronted by mass anti-government rallies.
Tens of thousands of Syrians gather for a pro-government rally at the central bank square in Damascus March 29, 2011. (Reuters Photo)”
Yelena Suponina for RIA Novosti
The offer of Arab nations to participate in the military operation against the regime of Muammar Gaddafi has taken many experts by surprise.
The United Arab Emirates is sending at least 24 fighter jets to help enforce the UN-mandated no-fly zone over Libya, while Qatar has pledged six. I’ve heard from sources that Egypt plans to supply Libyan rebel forces with small arms, and that Jordan and Saudi Arabia have offered logistical and intelligence support. There are also unconfirmed reports that elite fighting units from several more Arab countries have arrived in eastern Libya to assist the rebel forces.
Увођење демократије на амерички начин:
Ирак, 2007 год.
Овде се види како људи који су ненаоружани страдају од америчких апачи хеликоптера у Багдаду, међу страдалима су и два веома цењена новинара ројтерса. Фотоапарат једног од њих професионалци (професионалне убице) су заменили са базуком па су “храбри” момци брже боље затражили да отворе ватру на голоруке људе од своје команде.
Полиција Висконсина је прогласила солидарност са окупацијом градског већа oд стране незадовољних радника.
Video from: YouTube.com/thefilmarchive
“Mind control (also known as brainwashing, coercive persuasion, mind abuse, thought control, or thought reform) refers to a process in which a group or individual “systematically uses unethically manipulative methods to persuade others to conform to the wishes of the manipulator(s), often to the detriment of the person being manipulated.” The term has been applied to any tactic, psychological or otherwise, which…