Извор: Нови Стандард Рат текстовима и саопштењима између „Блица“ и Српске напредне странке не би био занимљивији од свакодневних јалових

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Barack Obama

A Fairy Story by David Icke

Barack Obama

Now children, are you sitting comfortably? Then your government will begin. Once upon a time there were three little pigs and they all sprouted wings. One little pig did not have a birth certificate so they faked one very badly so he could say he was the Big Pig and live with his snout in a trough in his little, well, not so little, white house.

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Оригинални чланак: http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=24538

The British royal wedding can be seen as a modern-day repeat of the “bread and circuses” policy of ancient Rome. In the waning days of that empire, the rulers sought to distract the masses from their grinding misery and the unwieldy wealth and corruption of the elite by sporadically throwing scraps of bread to the hungry public while saturating them with spectacles of gore and bloodlust…

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